How does the manufacture, marketing and use of “Premium Electric Vehicles”, solar panels and reusable rockets relate to the Meaning and Measurement of Progress and Ecological Economics? A Tesla Motors, Solar City and Falcon Rocket Case Study.
A paper that I wrote some time ago, and submitted to an Ecological Economics course as a component of my completion of a Master's Degree in Environmental Studies. The pertinence and scope of the paper was foremost in my mind. Considering the news-feeds of the last few weeks, now seems to be time to re-lease my thoughts into the stratosphere.
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The planet earth shows signs of massive human modification.
This current geological time frame may be referred to as the Anthropocene.
Ecology is the study of “Nature’s household”; Economics is the study of
“humankind’s household” (Author Information Pack, 2014). For the purposes of
this paper, Ecological Economics is the study of our shared home and this paper is one writer’s attempt to tackle the
complex environmental issues facing our shared home. A successful paper
will communicate complex ecological problems in a way that is easily
understood by people. This requires focus and a clearly defined scope.
These are not easily achieved tasks due to the holistic nature in which all
things are connected. This paper is an ideological study on the Meaning and Measurement of Progress.
To evaluate the potential of technology without limits, the entrepreneurial
pathway of Elon Musk is studied. Additional boundaries of analysis
include discussions of Complexity, Urbanization, Throughput,
Transitions, Transportation and Happiness. The working title of this paper was Bigger
is Better. The original research question was:
How does the manufacture, marketing and use of “Premium Electric
Vehicles”, solar panels and reusable rockets relate to the Meaning and
Measurement of Progress and Ecological Economics? A Tesla Motors, Solar City
and Falcon Rocket Case Study.